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Ég er ađeins skráđ hér til ađ geta ausiđ úr skálum reiđi minnar hjá pakki á Moggablogginu sem leyfir ekki athugasemdir frá óskráđum og óvígđum.

Áhugafólki um skemmtilegar bloggfćrslur skal vísađ hingađ: http://erlahlyns.blogspot.com

Áttu bók?

1. Armed Robbers in Action – eftir Richard Wright og Scott Decker. Norhteastern

University Press Boston, 1997.

2. The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison eftir Jeffrey Reiman. Allyn og

Bacon, 2004.

3. Power, Politics, and Crime eftir William Chambliss. Westview Press, 1999.

4. A Search for the Origins of Law: Drugs, Death and Madness eftir John F.

Galliher. Pearson Custom Publishing, 2004.

5. Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places eftir Laud Humphries, Hawthorne, NY: Aldine, 1975.

6. A Suitable Amount of Crime eftir N. Christie. Routledge. Taylor & Francis Books, 2004.


  7. Crime Control as Industry: Towards Gulags, Western Style eftir N. Christie. Routledge, 2000.


   8. Reckoning: Drugs, the Cities, and the American Dream eftir Elliot Currie. New York: Hill and Wang, 1994.


   9. The Time Bind.  When Home becomes Work and Work becomes Home eftir Arlie R. Hochshield. New York. H. Holt, 1997.

    10. Prophet of Homosexuality and Sociology eftir J. F. Galliher, W.H. Brekhus og D. Keys, University of Wisconsin Press, 2004.


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